2020 Legislative Session

2020 Education Legislation

Oklahoma lawmakers have filed 3,006 bill requests for the 2020 legislative session. That’s about 1,300 fewer bills than were filed in 2019, but remember, the Oklahoma Legislature convenes for two years at a time, so there are usually fewer bills during the second session.

Some of the 2020 bills are shells, meaning lawmakers have requested a bill number but haven’t put their language in yet. The OEA legislative team read all the bills to determine which ones affect OEA members — whether it’s funding, pay, retirement, health insurance, curriculum, or one of any number of topics.

Below is a list of just some of the bills we’re tracking. Be sure to click through; the document is multiple pages. 

2020 Lobby Days

A speaker presenting to a room full of peopleEvery day of the session, members of the OEA Legislative and Political Organizing staff brief members at 9 a.m., and then everyone heads over to the Capitol. Breakfast snacks are provided. 

We’ll also provide you information about your individual lawmakers, both for where you live and where you work.

For many years, Tuesdays are usually our big advocacy days. We call them Together We’re Stronger Tuesdays. At lunchtime, members reconvene to debrief, and lunch is provided. We also featured a special guest speaker, who will discuss issues affecting public education, our students, and their families. 

Who’s come to the Capitol? Here’s a look at some of the locals that have participated so far this session.

OEA Lawmaker of the Week

OEA has a recurring recognition of Oklahoma legislators who are champions of public education and work to connect with, listen to, and collaborate with educators throughout the state. Do you know a lawmaker who should be celebrated? 

2020 OEA Legislative Guide

The Oklahoma Education Association Legislative Dashboard is designed to serve as a guide for members who want to better understand their lawmakers by better learning about their backgrounds, their voting records, and their roles in the Oklahoma Legislature. 

2020 OEA Legislative Agenda

The OEA Legislative Agenda is developed by the Legislative Committee, with final adoption made by the OEA Board of Directors.

  1. Continue implementing the “Together We’re Stronger” Plan, including: increased classroom funding to offset the education budget cuts of the past ten years; a pay raise that ensures all education support professionals earn a living wage and all teachers earn a regionally competitive salary; and a Cost of Living Adjustment for retired educators.

  2. Revoke the single summative letter grade from the A through F statewide accountability system.

  3. Eliminate costly and ineffective mandatory U.S. History exam.

  4. Evaluate the retention provisions of the Reading Sufficiency Act.

  5. Expand the health benefits of all education professionals to include dependent coverage.

  6. Protect public school funding by opposing legislation that would divert money away from public schools.

  7. Remove the salary cap for retired education professionals returning to work in a school district.

  8. Eliminate the authority of the State Board of Education to override local school board decisions on charter school authorization.

  9. Eliminate the financial incentives provided by virtual schools for the recruitment of teachers and students and move virtual schools under the authority of the State Board of Education.

  10. Monitor the rule making process related to the 4-day school week waiver.

Download a copy of the 2020 OEA Legislative Agenda here.

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